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Professor Tarun Khanna paid a visit to Haier

07-09 2011

Professor Tarun Khanna paid a visit to Haier A delegation from Harvard Business School led by Professor Tarun Khanna paid a visit to Haier Group on July 9. The professor exchanged ideas with Haier's CEO Zhang Ruimin and President Yang Mianmian on such topics as integration of best human resources, importance of integration of virtual and physical networks in the Internet era and Haier's innovative cultural integration practice in its "go global" process. Integration of virtual and physical networks is a key factor deciding the future of an enterprise and cultural integration is an issue that must be handled in the enterprise's "go global" process, in which it is a basic principle on any market to create value for users and thus fulfill the enterprise's own value, said Zhang Ruimin during the meeting. Professor Tarun Khanna highly agreed with Haier's innovative practice in integration of best talent with competitive market objectives, saying that it is a very good way for Haier to attract external resources, especially human resources, via its advantageous scalable platform. Professor Khanna also praised Haier's cultural integration in its "go global" process as a good case for Harvard to learn. Like Haier's idea to make everybody his/her own CEO, he said, Harvard hopes everyone in the school is a teacher, which means a great deal of knowledge to share if everyone in a class of one hundred contributes his/her own knowledge. Caption: Tarun Khanna (the right), author of Billions of Entrepreneurs: How China and India Are Reshaping Their Futures and Yours and Winning in Emerging Markets: A Roadmap for Strategy and Execution, among others. He is dedicated to research of transnational enterprises in emerging markets.

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