Comment of Human Capital:Haier confronted the problems of globalization without..
Comment of Human Capital:Haier confronted the problems of globalization without..
Not long ago, an article, titled A Company Called Haier, was published on Human Capital, a magazine of Singapore.
"According to Nicholas Heymann of Prudential Securities, 'through innovative design and aggressive marketing, there is no reason why Haier shouldn't achieve what Sony achieved in the US during the 1950s or what Samsung achieved in the 1980s'."
"According to the Wharton School of Business, Haier has one big advantage over the Japanese and the Koreans. Namely that the Chinese market is as disparate as any market can possibly be."
"So, in this respect, Haier has already confronted the problems of globalization without even leaving home."
The article reads, Haier set up the factory in the United States with an aim "to be close to its markets as it is a way it can get to know consumer preferences. It also means that it can attach a 'Made in USA' tag to its products".