The concept of “innovation” has been a very hot topic recently, the central government of China has considered innovation as the primary driver that lead the development in government’s 13th five-year-plan. In this year’s two sessions report, Primer Li Keqiang mentioned 59 times “innovation”, which almost doubled the frequency that has been mentioned in last two year’s report.
How shall we think and achieve innovation under the area of innovation and entrepreneur? March 9th, CCTV invited the Haier’s rotating president Zhou Yunjie for a talk.
Zhou Yunjie (the rotating president of Haier): automation and intelligence, it is intelligence manufacture in fact.

We points concept of networked factory that connects two s ends, users and products. Users could connect with networked factory through customization, networked factory could satisfy users through connected resources, it transform from large volume of production to large amount of customization. The other end is products that should not be considered as a physical thing but a smart product that could connect and interact with users instead, as a result, networked factories are entirely different.
CCTV asked after connecting with the internet, what the change about made in China? What are the new changes under the made in China + Internet?
Zhou Yunjie (Haier Rotating President): Made in China + Zero Inventory, to achieve the zero inventory in real term

The reform of supply side should refer to the elimination of inventory and production, if it still follows the traditional ideology that produce products with refined equipment and high efficiency, the result is still undesirable if you cannot source orders from users and the precision could not be obtained as well.
CCTV observer Ma Guangyuan commented the change in users is to participate into the design process. He thought medium and small sized companies could be more flexible and overturn-minded under the networked manufacture overall, the enterprises with most overturn-minded philosophy would gradually grow to giant companies, therefore medium and small sized enterprises should play more important role in the new level of overall entrepreneur.