Haier Group's refrigerators topped the list of "Best Choice Product", which was released by UFC Que Choisir (French federal union of consumers) in mid-March 2016, among five major brands including well-known local brands in Britain, France, Turkey and other European countries, indicating that Haier took the lead again in competitions against European, American, Japanese, Korean and other international counterparts.
UFC Que Choisir is a French governmental and non-profit organization dedicated to performing confidential testing on products selected from the market based on the principles of fairness and justice. Its testing results are highly trusted by local consumers. With various global brands from a broad range of sectors including home improvement, automotive, electronics, etc. evaluated and tested in its professional laboratories, the organization's evaluation and testing results have become the most authoritative purchase guidance for French consumers. Through professional evaluation and testing on refrigeration, energy consumption, capacity, noise level, convenience of access and other core functions most concerned by consumers, UFC Que Choisir identified Haier Group's Italian style triple-door refrigerator to be No. 1 with an overall score of 14.7.

All the 5 refrigerators evaluated and tested this time are collections of multi-door series. According to Que choisir, the market share of French refrigeration products increased by 7.1% in 2015, while multi-door refrigerators rose by 30% - 40% annually. Additionally, French consumers prefer to buy multi-door refrigerators featured with compact size, large capacity and higher energy efficiency standard. In this evaluation and testing, Haier Group's Italian style triple-door refrigerator was widely recognized by French consumers for its large capacity of 307L and the compact size of approx. 40% smaller than American-type refrigerators of the similar capacity. Meanwhile, it is the only refrigerator that met Grade A++ energy efficiency standard among the same products type, saving nearly 50% of the electricity compared to other brands.
For French consumers who have great passion for delicious and fresh food, Haier Italian style triple-door refrigerator, featuring the optimum preservation of freshness, is the perfect choice. With the highest score in the evaluation and testing, its preservation of freshness and ABT sterilization provides consumers with the healthiest food preservation solutions. Haier's preservation of freshness technology featuring wet and dry sub-storage technology for the refrigerator industry will be further applied in more products, so as to lead the way in healthy diet.
Some industry experts say that Haier refrigerators' good sale in France and other European and American markets is the result of the implementation of its "worldwide localized innovation" strategy by developing and producing quality products and services tailored for local customer demands in different markets to enhance customer loyalty. In such an Internet+ age, Haier has been committed to furnishing refrigerators with the best food preservation capabilities for global consumers, and developing industry-leading smart life solutions, thus leading the way in smart industrial upgrading of global refrigerator industry.