Large incumbent businesses face an innovation crisis. As digital and other emerging technologies follow a path of accelerating improvements in price and performance, the potential for significant business disruption from outside the familiar world of traditional competitors increases.
As core component technologies get smaller, cheaper, and better, the opportunities for lean, nimble start-ups to enter existing markets with transformative products increase.
The result is that incumbent businesses are now at significant risk of sudden and sometimes fatal market change, or what we have described as “Big Bang Disruption.”
As a hedge against unanticipated and unpredictable competition, many large companies have in the last few decades embraced a new approach to research and development known as “open innovation.”
In open innovation, large companies share their research problems with a wide audience of suppliers, academics, and even competitors, in hopes of finding partners who can deliver key features of a solution.
As the name suggests, open innovation is a radical alternative to traditional R&D, where the company develops new technologies, products and services internally and often in strict confidentiality to surprise competitors at the time of product launch.
Open innovation trades control, secrecy, and full ownership of technical solutions for significant increases in speed of development, reduced risk and lower capital costs for the incumbent.
Some of the company’s organizational and product weaknesses may be exposed in the process, but business leaders who have embraced open innovation believe those risks are more than compensated by the enhanced exposure to potential collaborators who might otherwise never appear on the company’s radar.
The pressure to innovate more quickly has been building in China, where growth rates have slowed from their dizzying heights and large companies are more exposed to competitive threats.
When it comes to using open innovation, however, China has some catching up to do. We looked at annual reports of the world’s 150 biggest companies from 2009 to 2013 to see how often they cited open innovation initiatives.
For non-Chinese companies, the figure was close to three-fourths, but for the twenty-four Chinese companies in the group, the number was less than half.
Lenovo stands out as an exception. The $46 billion global personal technology company developed a New Business Development online platform in order to make collaboration with startups easy. The platform has led to the creation of three “smart” devices—glasses, an air cleaner, and a router.
But perhaps the greatest exemplar of open innovation in China is electronics and appliance powerhouse Haier.
Haier has fully embraced the open innovation model as part of the company’s ongoing transformation from a traditional manufacturing concern to what long-time CEO Zhang Ruimin sees as the company’s next incarnation as an Internet platform supporting autonomous operating units (known as “micro-enterprises”) that may be partly or fully independent of Haier.
Reflecting the unique economics of the Chinese market and industry structure, Haier’s strategic goal is to achieve “zero-distance” between global users and innovation partners, allowing customers, suppliers, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to initiate and collaborate on product innovation.
New product ideas are solicited directly from users through a variety of social media tools. Users vote on the innovations they want, and product development staff are compensated based on the success of new products. This has led to significantly reduced time to market and a deeper connection to customer needs.
To support that strategy, in 2013 Haier launched HOPE (Haier Open Partnership Ecosystem), a set of tools that vastly accelerate the company’s ability to launch new products and work with new technologies.
HOPE’s goal is to reduce the often overwhelming transaction costs associated with finding and collaborating with a growing market—in China and beyond–for intellectual capital. The company can now tap into a rapidly-expanding community of entrepreneurs, academics, government entities, suppliers and others.
HOPE is, at its core, an online portal for technology exchange and innovation. It supports a variety of formal and informal interactions between inventors and corporate users aimed at solving a wide range of technology challenges.
Haier–and nearly 30 outside companies who pay to use the system–post research questions in the form of cases, seeking potential solutions from over 370,000 registered problem solvers, who range from individuals to large global corporations including Dow Chemical, Bayer, and Honeywell. (Much of the portal is open to the public.)
On average, 150-200 cases are posted each year. These range from traditional appliance-related issues, such as ice build-up in freezers and incomplete drainage of washing machine, to more specific problems that may be of particular interest to Chinese consumers, including improved filtration for air conditioning units and water heaters.
Traditional technology providers, such as materials, chemicals and cooling specialists, are frequent solution providers along with start-ups and individual entrepreneurs.
But increasingly HOPE is being used to collaborate on new products in emerging categories, including the Internet of Things and applications of nanotechnology. Projects vary in length, consequently, from a few months to a year. In all cases, the collaboration process generally focuses on short-term experiments that can be quickly tested and prioritized.
The portal is supported by a full-time team of nearly 30 professionals. These include IT support, operations staff and marketing experts. Domain and geographic experts are also included, as well as experts in innovation processes and specific technical functions.
As that mix of skills suggests, the portal is not simply an on-line bulletin board. Behind the scenes, an advanced search engine, special algorithms and data analytics create an automatic matching system to pair demand and supply. HOPE achieves an accuracy rate of 70 percent in pairing technology demand and supply in its own database.
Beyond the matching system, hundreds of Web crawlers scour the Internet to help Haier capture the latest technology advances and integrate them into the HOPE database.
In one example we studied, Haier used HOPE to address a persistent problem in refrigeration, which was the lack of a low-humidity “dry zone” to protect fragile produce such as mushrooms. Traditional solutions to remove humidity from an isolated section of the product, including absorbing excess humidity, proved too expensive or used too much electricity to be cost-effective.
But a case posted to HOPE attracted an unconventional partner in the China Paper Research Institute, which adapted technology it had developed for an entirely different purpose. Working together, the Haier team and the Institute introduced a variable-sized opening in the vegetable drawer that opens and closes in response to changes in humidity.
A key difference between traditional R&D and open innovation, reflected in this example, is the financial model. In internal efforts, companies absorb all of the risk of a failed experiment, but, at the same time, retain full ownership of any successful solutions.
In open innovation, both risk and reward are shared with solution providers, which may include joint ownership of patents and other intellectual property associated with the collaboration.
For the moisture control problem, the China Paper Research Institute simply became a supplier to Haier’s refrigerator manufacturing. In other situations, IP may be acquired separately from the provider or pooled so that royalties can be shared among the participants. Haier and other users of HOPE may also become co-investors in the solution provider, or provide assistance to start-ups in securing venture financing, including from corporate venture capital from Haier itself.
In exceptional cases where very close collaboration is necessary, the solution provider may be integrated into a product team or otherwise provided resources to help incubate specific technology components.
Haier’s on-going transformation to a platform-based company optimizes the potential for open innovation and the HOPE portal in particular. The company has been reconfigured into 180 micro-enterprises, each of which bears the fully loaded costs of its operations and accounts for its own profit and loss.
The smaller size and financial autonomy gives the micro-enterprises the freedom, authority and incentive to make decisions very quickly, a crucial feature of successful open innovation.
If collaboration requires capital investment larger than the micro-enterprise can afford, management is still only one step removed from Haier’s top executives. The flat organizational structure makes Haier a more accessible and efficient collaborator for lean technology partners who rely on quick decisions and simplified processes.
Compared to the intense internal communication and scrutiny associated with traditional R&D, however, open innovation contact points are loose and superficial. One risk of such collaboration, therefore, is that participants will waste valuable resources pursuing solutions in which partner organizations are no longer interested.
In one unsuccessful example, HOPE matched Haier’s product teams with a large chemicals company for several joint development projects. But budget cuts and changing market conditions led the Haier product teams to cancel several of these projects. Due to high employee turnover associated with the changes, the chemicals company was not aware of the cancellations and continued investing resources in dead efforts.
To avoid such wasted energy in the future, the HOPE team has developed an easy-to-use dashboard to better monitor the progress of on-going projects. The system also supports more interactive tools, allowing solution providers to work directly and efficiently with partner organizations through the portal itself.
Going forward, the HOPE team is also working to make the portal less reactive and more predictive. The site continues to publish more articles on technology trends and news, for example, making the portal a source for early detection of oncoming disruptions early in their lifecycle.
To expand its innovation network beyond China, and in particular in the U.S., the company recently completed the acquisition—for over $5.5 billion—of GE’s appliance business, instantly gaining almost 15% of the U.S. market.
For Haier, however, the value of the GE acquisition goes far beyond simply buying its way into a prized market. The companies also established an on-going partnership, in which the two very different enterprises will “jointly pursue growth projects in focus areas where both companies can increase business competitiveness such as Industrial Internet, healthcare, and advanced manufacturing.”
The on-going relationship between Haier and GE may prove far more valuable to Haier than GE’s mature appliance business and brands. Haier will gain invaluable visibility into the workings of a true market economy, for one thing, as well as a front-row seat to the birth of the industrial Internet.
Together, these initiatives are broadening Haier’s communications channel with an ever-increasing range of solution providers, including consumers themselves, creating significant competitive advantage in an industry with notoriously challenging market conditions.
Haier hopes their unique approach to open innovation will help the company anticipate the next Big Bang Disruption, giving Haier the ability to launch transformative technologies rather than reacting to them.