Question: How to cancel and reset a program


When dealing with a washing machine and the need to cancel or reset a program, there are several steps that one can follow. Here is the explanation of the process:


1. Canceling a Program:

(1.1) Stop the Machine Immediately: If you realize that you have selected the wrong program or need to cancel it for any reason, the first step is to stop the machine's operation. Most washing machines have a red "Stop" or "Pause" button located on the control panel.

Press the "Start/Pause" button, then switch off the power and the program is automatically cancelled.

Turn on the machine again. Choose the program you want.

(1.2) Use the "Cancel" or "Reset" Button: Some washing machines have a dedicated "Cancel" or "Reset" button. Pressing this button will stop the current program and return the machine to its initial state.

(1.3) Long-Press the Program Selection Button: If your machine does not have a dedicated "Cancel" or "Reset" button, you can try long-pressing the program selection button. This action may be interpreted as a signal to cancel the current program.


2. Resetting a Program:

(2.1) Check the Power Supply: Ensure that the washing machine is properly connected to a power source and that there are no issues with the power line or outlet.

(2.2) Restart the Machine: If the program is misbehaving or not responding as expected, you can try restarting the machine. Unplug the power cord, wait for a few minutes, and then plug it back in. This action can help reset the machine and clear any program-related issues.

(2.3) Reset through Specific Button Combination: Some washing machines allow users to reset the machine through a specific button combination. This process can vary depending on the model, so it is essential to consult the user manual for detailed instructions.


3. General Tips

If the water level is too high or the temperature inside the drum is too high, the door will not be allowed to open accroding to electric control logic. Please run the spin program and wait for the temperature cool down and then the door can be opened


The user manual provides detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips for your specific washing machine model. It is essential to familiarize yourself with it and refer to it whenever you encounter any issues.
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