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Haier Breaks Manufacturing Records and Leads in the International Standards of Manufacturing

03-18 2018

    Haier Breaks Manufacturing Records and Leads in the International Standards of Manufacturing


    On 6 December 2017 American time, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) head-quartered in New York held a Nescom Conference, during which a proposal of general standards of mass customization initiated by Haier, a Chinese enterprise, was approved. According to the proposal, Haier will work with the China Electronics Standardization Institute to build a special committee for mass customization and draft international standards in this area. In the past, international standards of manufacturing focused on products and technologies. This time, Haier is taking the lead to formulate the first set of international standards under the framework of model over the past 50 years of IEEE’s development. This is also the first time that a Chinese company takes the initiative.


    IEEE is the biggest non-profit professional technology institute in the world. In 2017, it chooses Haier to formulate the international standards based on its universal applicability of mass customization and open platform. Based on the largest global industrial internet platform of COSMOPlat, Haier commercializes and socializes the seven modules, including interaction, design, purchasing, logistics and service, and provide micro-services with them. Companies, regardless of their scales, can draw Haier’s experience and duplicate its practice of mass customization, transitioning from mass manufacturing to mass customization for smart manufacturing within the shortest period. Currently, Haier COSMOPlat has been copied in 12 industries in 20 countries, which proves that this model is universally applicable. Haier will lead the global manufacturing industry to a new height with the international standards.

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